Gallbladder Pain Treatment Home Remedies

- 01.28

Gallstones - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies - YouTube
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3 Home Remedies For GALLSTONES TREATMENT (Without Surgery) - YouTube
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Maps, Directions, and Place Reviews

Five F's

Gallbladder Pain Treatment Home Remedies Video

Gallbladder in Chinese language

Throughout Chinese history and written in literature, the gallbladder has been associated with fear and symbolized courage. For instance, the phrase "bursting a gallbladder" refers to an horrifying experience that can traumatize or kill the faint-hearted. People who are fearless are said to have a large gallbladder. Though it sounds unscientific, but it has not been proven or unproven if such Chinese belief was based on empirical observations that has survived milleniums through Chinese traditions. According to Chinese old wives tales, if an infant is bad, he/she will poop greenish feces which is believed to be bile from the gallbladder. It would be interesting if this kind of observations are cross examined scientifically. Any medical professional care to comment?

What is Pancreatitis|Treatment|Symptoms|Causes|Diet|Home Remedies
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Importance of the gallbladder

I am soon about to get my gallbladder removed due to gallstones. I am searching the web to find information on how important the gallbladder is and how well one can manage without it. I asked my doctor about it and the answer I got was "one generally manages fine without the gallbladder", but I would really like to read the effects from several sources. I bet there must be SOME reason the gallbladder is there and something bad will come when you get rid of it. On this page it says the gallbladder stores bile, well I already knew that, but why is that needed; and what is bad when your body does not have this "bile buffert" anymore? As far as I know this buffert does not really matter? Obviously we (as animals) survived better with this bile buffert in the past and therefor it is there. Anyways, I would be really happy if someone could add a little more information on this subject.

Thanks. /Magnus

Both my wife and I had our gall bladders removed (hers when she was in her teens, me, when I was 29). She has issues with a lot of foods and was diagnosed with a spastic sphincter of Oddi (sp?) that causes her to vomit. She also has diarrhea issues. She is otherwise is good health and an ideal weight. She doesn't eat red meat. I'm 20lbs overweight and don't have as many problems, but there are a lot of foods that send me immediately to the restroom. Shame in using public toilets is quickly replaced! --Preceding unsigned comment added by MikeSims (talk o contribs) 23:36, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

13 Home Remedies for Gallbladder Pain Relief - Home Remedies
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Gallbladder cleanse?

Hi, I have gone for about four years with gallbladder problems and have not had then diagnosed until very recently. It has me questioning the validity of doctors. The attacks have been excruciating. I can't say how painful they are. A few days ago, I ended up in the emergency room loaded full of pain killers.

As I understand it: gallstones (balls in the gallbladder consisting mostly of cholesterol) give the gallbladder a rather difficult time in functioning. The gallbladder's job is to excrete bile and thus help digest fats. I ate a really fatty burrito with a friend of mine the other day and the worst attack yet set my gallbladder off... emergency room ect. I don't even eat fatty food often and don't even like most fatty foods! I have probably eaten fast food three or four times in the past year! Anyway, this made my gallbladder spasm. Much worse has happened to others with the same problem.

The doctor told me right off I need surgery... right... I am 23, pretty healthy, I work out... isn't removing an entire organ going a bit overboard? If it is surgery, then why not just remove the gallstone? One reason might be that other gallstones can form later. The doctor really discredited himself to me by making his first and only suggestion surgery. It also occurred to me that surgery is the method that would give him the most money.

Anyway, I have done some research. Apparently there are some gallbladder flushes one can do. They consist largely of gulping down some lemon juice and olive oil. There are some variations like including epson salt or using apple juice instead of lemon juice. I have not found any FDA approved or official stamp on this research so far. I have not researched this detail of treatment as much as I would like to since I have only found out a few days ago that I have gallstones and haven't been able to do allot due to recovering from the pain. There are also other non surgical approaches used when one cannot have surgery.

Surprisingly, surgery is the most used practice in dealing with gallstones when they cause pain. Personally, I think that is a bit dramatic. If I removed my feet or my large intestine, I wouldn't have problems with them either now, would I? Once again, I am reminded the surgical option is the most lucrative for our doctors.

There are organs we really don't need. We can go with just one lung and we don't need an appendix. There are many people who go on after having their gallbladders removed and live a relatively unaffected life. However, there are those who can't eat or function quite the same as before. GALLBLADDER

The resources I have found vary from personal experiences to home remedies to legitimate medical sites and all seem to argue with bias. I can't find one source that credits itself in my eyes and I am about to tear my one gallbladder out with my own hands. Why can't someone just state the facts instead of twisting them into arguments? This really says something for medical practice in the west. I have looked to educate myself on the gallbladder and what my choices are and in the end, I have only dug myself further into a hole. I am discouraged and by the time I do come across someone who is trustworthy, I won't know it!

Hello all, Interesting reading! I am not part of the 5'"F's", male 61, 175lbs(not overweight) and experienced my second gall bladder pain attack, somewhat interestingly enough, my wife, same age and neither overweight experienced her's over 2.5 years ago and the doctor's rec. was: "take it out", we however went the alternative route and she has lived since without attacks by taking natural supplements perscribed by a naturopath (billyherb, lecithin etc.)and is watching what she eats: (Easy on the eggs and coffee or other fatty meals.) Now, both of us are active, eat a balanced healthy diet and hardly any junk food. And based on her experience and my belief that the gall bladder IS in my body for a reason I will try anything before I will let someone cut me and take out an organ. I also belief that western medicine (in particular North American) needs to get an open mind and accept some alternative modalities. We spend some time in Europe and the doctor we had there was an MD but his first line of treatment was homeopathy and as a last resort prescribe medicine as we know it here in Canada. Good luck with all your gall bladders.

I had my gallbladder taken out laproscopically ten days ago. I had experienced two long years of minor, every day, dull aching pain that could not be diagnosed. I am forty, female, caucasian, 135 lbs, and have had three children. I fit the profile except for being overweight. Kidneys were tested, colon, liver, and then I tried acupuncture, chinese herbs for months, then I was finally put on antibiotics just in case and so it went unresolved. I lived on pain killers-Lortab. Gallbladder tests: ultrasounds, Hida scans did not reveal anything wrong with it. I was desperate. A Gastrointestinal Doctor diagnosed it as choleoscystitis. Laproscopy revealed that my gallbladder was entwined with my small intestine, and my stomach was ovelapping the whole package! The surgeon reorganized my guts, took out my gallbladder and I feel great. Now I am trying to discover the best way to eat now, as I am experiencing some disturbances with digestion....not pain, just intestinal/bowel rapidity. Any suggestions? By the way this series of pain began after I went on a long bout of the South Beach Diet to lose a bit of weight from pregnancy.

Hi, I need to know what the gall bladder really does in the whole body system and not just a store pocket for bile, does it help in the cleansing process of all things put in the mouth. or is it just a useless piece of machinary that we don'y really need.

Hi in Jan. I had my gall bladder taken out. I feel a million times better. Before I had my surgery I had problems for about 2 years, stress, food, pms all would cause "flare ups". I also in this time period I had multiple UTInfections and a Kidney Infection. When talking to my doctor in the emergency room he explained what it did, the effects of it on my system, and what might happen if I didn't have surgery. He also explained that because I had these other problems he felt that it would be better to get rid of it to prevent problems in the future. He told me that because the gall bladder wasn't doing its job the way it was supposed to it cause problems for the rest of my digestive system. I agree if its not a major problem than don't worry about it. I do however agree that if you do have a major problem with surgery ask another doctor. I had surgery on a Fri. and I was able to go back the next Wed. I'm on a Low Fat Diet, lots of Fiber and Veggies, basically eating the way you are supposed to. I've even use Weight Watchers meals and tips. I feel Amazing and I don't have to take special medicines, pills, Vitamins, calcium etc. To be completely honest looking at my bills afterwards the doctor was WAY cheaper that the hosptial. And if its a good doctor they don't do it for the money. But Good Luck and I hope you Figure out what works for you.SLClute --Preceding unsigned comment added by SLClute (talk o contribs) 18:23, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

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Editting help

I'm kinda new here but someone messed with the Anatomy section on this page. I tried reverting it back but I failed horribly. If someone could please revert it back to (cur) (last) 01:51, 12 January 2007. That was when it was ok before someone vandalized it! ~Velcius (not registered yet)--The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 03:18, 12 January 2007 (UTC).

The Easiest Way to Ease Gallbladder Pain - wikiHow
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Missing illustration caption, and a missing word in another ...

a) Under one of the illustrations is this caption: "The portal vein and its through a laparoscope." I'm sure there should be something (I just don't know what) following the "its" there. Its best friend? Its smallest microscope? Its first personal computer? :)

b) There's no caption at all beneath the final illustration (lower-right in the box, that is). But I sure don't know enough to (ha ha) take a stab at it.


timbo 17:31, 4 February 2007 (UTC)

Gallstones (cholelithiasis) risk increases with high BMI, rapid ...
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gallbladder relationship to acid reflux?

Hello all,

I'm wondering if anyone has had any issue with the opposite of gallstones? For the first 20 yrs of my life, I could barely force vegetables down. They smelled good, looked good and I wanted to eat them, but would gag when I tried to eat them. After having a child, I was able to eat just about anything... About 9 years ago, I was waking up every morning vomiting small amounts of what appeard to be, I was not pregnant. I had a complete physical and blood work up and my results were so good (excellent were her words that my doctor asked me what kinds of foods I ate. My cholesterol was perfect according to her. I used to eat things like vegetables, spicy food, rice, potatoes, fried foods, baked foods and stayed away from red meat as much as possible limiting it to 1-2 times a month. I would have one 4 oz cup of coffee in the morning and maybe 2 sodas a week. They did an ultrasound on my gallbladder thinking something was wrong there and found nothing. After more exams/tests and logging my diet, I was told I was eating too many fruits and vegetables! How many people are ever told that?? The explaination was that they had a lot of sugar and acid and that was causing acid reflux & irritable bowl syndrom. So I take meds for that and can't eat healthy without getting sick. There is a history of gallbladder problems in my family that family members think are related to having acid reflux and irritable bowl syndrom. Yet no one can explain it or how to fix it. I'm now obese and really miss the foods I used to eat and would like to go back to it. Anyone have any information to the relationship between the gallbladder, acid reflux and irritable bowl syndrom? And if so any feedback on things to try to fix it?

The gall bladder does tons of stuff ok ok ok ok o ko ok okvliGBTYo1/


I need to know how do you know it is your gal blaader i am havving upper left abdoman pain and burping this awful egg smell and taste? --Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:01, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

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more depth on gallbladder removal

I think this should be added, such as why it may need to be removed at the effects of having it removed and etc. LwSiX 15:36, 5 October 2007 (UTC)

I agree totally with this superb summary assessment on the article -vs- talk page; well put! 18:11, 14 November 2007 (UTC)

3 Simple Home Remedies To TREAT URINARY TRACT INFECTION (UTI) In ...
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After you read this section, do you really know anything more than what you already knew? Rammer (talk) 01:39, 31 December 2008 (UTC)


There are many species of mammals with differing gallbladder anatomies or entirely lacking in the gallbladder. Article needs to have more balance and broad coverage amongst mammalian (at least) species. Umbertoumm (talk) 19:41, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

hello .. I am not sure if i am at the right page to be asking this question.. if i am not then i appoligize now..

  Our mother is a very healthy 73 yr young women always been full of life never been ill in her her life time.. After three wks in hospital they did many test and finally decide it was a gol.lstone.. after procedure today nov 16 2010 they pulled three extremley large stones including little bits of more  

and after this they did a oltrisound of her liver and found what they think might be a growth or inflamation. the docotrs wanted to send her home tomorrow or the next day then came back and said she will be there for the next fes days before considering sending her home.. My mother is very scared and so are we.. my question will the liver take over any infection she has had or maybe still has even though the stones have been removed? I must mention she has no taste buds or appetite for almost a month . a rash on her legs that broke outt about a wk ago and swollen legs and ankes but yet she feels no pain or discomfort....I WOULD LOVE TOO HEAR ANYTHING THAT COULD HELP US OUT FOR PEACE OF MIND... --Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:54, 17 November 2010 (UTC)


Some years ago I added a section on polyps and another on cancer. I see someone totally removed any mention of polyps and moved the cancer section to a new article which doesn't mention polyps. Polyps are the leading cause of gallbladder cancer.

Why was that done?

Having information on polyps might save someone's life!

When I have time I will write new sections. Bob (talk) 13:36, 9 July 2009 (UTC)

Invitation to edit

It is proposed that Gallbladder be part of the trial of a new template; see the green strip at the top of Pain where it has been in place for a couple of months. The purpose of this project is to encourage readers to edit, while equipping them with the basic tools. If you perceive a problem with this, or have any suggestions for improvement, please discuss at the project talk page. --Anthonyhcole (talk) 10:20, 11 January 2011 (UTC) IMPORTANT QUESTION Hello mother after a persistent pain in the abdomen has had a surgery done to remove the stones in her CBD(common bile duct). now the doctors are suggesting removing her gall bladder in a day or two..i know that many people live an unaffected life after removal..but my mother has had a kidney operation done a few years back(kidney transplant) and her haemoglobin levels are 8.3..also she suffers from high blood pressure(hypertension)...low calcium levels and a lot of weakness...i doubt that whether this is the last resort to get her gall bladder removed and complicate things further..they say people suffer from chronic bronchtis and persistent pain in the i need immediate guidance what should be done..please i shall be obliged to hear from u soon..thank u... -- Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:34, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

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Link correction

Can someone change the UDCA link to the correct page (Ursodeoxycholic acid) please. -- Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:48, 8 April 2014 (UTC)

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GA Review

Reviewer: Casliber (talk · contribs) 02:27, 29 September 2017 (UTC)

I'll take a look and make straightforward copyedits as I go and jot queries below: Cas Liber (talk · contribs) 02:27, 29 September 2017 (UTC)

The gallbladder and bile have symbolic and cultural meanings in English and other languages. - err, rather nebulous sentence that doesn't add anything. I'd remove it.
Anatomically, the gallbladder is divided into three sections: - does the first word here add any meaning? (i.e. would any be lost if it were removed?)
The gallbladder wall is composed of a number of layers. - err, why not just say how many there are?
Underneath the epithelia... - should be "epithelium" or "epithelial layer"
The number and structure of the gallbladder may vary. - redundant as covered in following sentences.
Occasionally two or even three gallbladders may coexist - some estimation of incidence would be good.
The main purpose of the gallbladder is to store bile, also called gall, needed for the digestion of food. The gallbladder is part of the biliary system and serves as a reservoir for bile, which is produced by the liver. The liver produces the bile, which then flows through the hepatic ducts into the gallbladder. - there is repetition in these three sentences - storing bile, being produced in the liver. Need to remove repeated bits and reword.
The first two sentences of the Inflammation section are repeating info from the section preceding. They need to be trimmed as the definitions have already happened
In general, avoid one-sentence paras wherever possible
Remove Porcelain gallbladder from see also and add as a one- or two-sentence item to somewhere in the body of the text (my favoured destination would be Imaging by YMMV).
The Society and culture section is choppy - last sentence needs a ref.
The gallbladder has also been known as the biliary vesicle or cholecyst. - these are obviously archaic terms so some dates would be good.
The History section would greatly benefit with development of when people realised what the gallbladder did - e.g. what did Classical physicians think it did (medieval/Egyptians etc.)

I have listed a few things but I think they are eminently fixable. Not too far off GA-hood. cheers, Cas Liber (talk · contribs) 03:42, 29 September 2017 (UTC)

@Casliber, oh bugger. I was expecting this would be reviewed mid next year (I usually have to wait at least 6-9 months before my reviews get picked up) and was planning to do some more work on the lead and history sections and also finish citing and correcting some statements in the meantime. I figured I will nominate in the meantime so that my sources are all fresh in my mind when the review happens. I will also be away over this long weekend. Could we resume this review in about 2 weeks? I'll try to address as much as I can so as to not waste your time picking up things during the review. --Tom (LT) (talk) 08:03, 29 September 2017 (UTC)

1. Well written?:

2. Factually accurate and verifiable?:

3. Broad in coverage?:

4. Reflects a neutral point of view?:

5. Reasonably stable?

6. Illustrated by images, when possible and appropriate?:


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Source of the article : Wikipedia



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